OrigamiFrontend Components & Services

Create A New Origami Component - Part 7 Testing

The “Create A New Origami Component” tutorial is split into nine parts and is intended to be followed sequentially from start to finish:

  1. Intro & Boilerplate
  2. Base Styles
  3. Themes & Brands
  4. Demos
  5. JavaScript
  6. Storybook
  7. Testing
  8. Documentation
  9. Component Lifecycle

In part seven we will add tests to our component. Including tests for Sass, JavaScript, and common accessibility issues.

Run npm run test -w components/o-example to run component tests (you will get some errors but we will fix it in a moment). Run npm run lint -w components/o-example to lint code style and check the validity of origami.json.

Sass Tests

Component Sass tests are run using the Oddbird True library. Sass tests for a component are located in the test/scss directory.

This tutorial won’t cover Oddbird True in detail, for that see the Oddbird True documentation. However to demonstrate we will update the boilerplate test (tests/scss/_main.test.scss) to confirm the oExample mixin outputs CSS for the inverse theme by default:

// tests/scss/_main.test.scss

@include describe('oExample mixins') {
    // tests for the primary mixin oExample
	@include describe('oExample') {
		@include it('outputs the inverse theme by default') {
			@include assert() {
				// output actual CSS
				@include output() {
					@include oExample();
				// expected output CSS to contain
				@include contains() {
					.o-example--inverse {
						background: #262a33;
						color: #ffffff;

Again running the npm run test -w components/o-example command should show our new tests have run and passed.

JavaScript Tests

Component JavaScript tests use mocha as a test runner; sinon for stubs, spies, and mocks; and proclaim to make assertions.

To demonstrate how these projects are used to test components we will add a new test to confirm that clicking a button in our component increments the count.

JavaScript tests are located under the test directory. The file example.test.js already has boilerplate tests, which use component markup defined in tests/js/helpers/fixtures.js to confirm the init method works as expected.

Our first step will be to update the htmlCode method in tests/js/helpers/fixtures.js with our latest component markup. We’ll add an id id="element" which we can use in our tests:

// tests/js/helpers/fixtures.js

function htmlCode () {
	const html = `
        <div id="element" class="o-example" data-o-component="o-example">
            Hello world, I am a component named o-example!
            <span class="o-example__counter">
                You have clicked this lovely button <span data-o-example-current-count>0</span> times.
                <button class="o-example__button">count</button>

Next we can append our new tests within the main describe("Example", () => {}) block:

// tests/js/example.test.js

describe("with a button", () => {

    beforeEach(() => {
        // Add our component markup to the DOM

    afterEach(() => {
        // Remove our component markup from the DOM

    it("should increment the count on click", () => {
        // initialise o-example on fixture markup
        const oExample = Example.init('#element');
        // find and click the button
        const button = document.querySelector('button');
        // confirm the count has incremented
        const actual = oExample.count;
        const expected = 1;
        proclaim.equal(actual, expected, `Expected count to equal ${expected} given a single button click.`);

Now run npm run test -w components/o-example. You should see our new tests are run and pass.

Accessibility Tests

npm run test -w components/o-example also runs some accessibility checks. Whilst this will catch some common causes of accessibility issues, such as invalid html or low contrast between text and background, it is not a comprehensive test of component accessibility. For help testing the accessibility of your component see the Origami’s accessibility principles page, or reach out to the Financial Times #accessibility Slack channel.

Visual Regression Tests

To check all component demos for any visual bugs that may have been introduced accidentally as part of a change may be rather taxing as a manual piece of work. To help, demos may be run through percy.io to highlight visual differences between two versions of a component automatically.

We can’t run Percy yet as we haven’t released a version of our component to compare changes against. But later, when we have released our component, percy.io will run automatically against new pull requests.

Percy checks are run automatically and this image shows a Github pull request where the `percy` has already ran to visually compare `o-autocomplete` demos in the pull request against the last release.
This image shows an example of the Percy interface. To the left is an image of a component demo, to the right the updated demo with visual changes highlighted in red.

Part Seven: Documentation

Our component is working well and is almost complete. In this tutorial we learned:

So far we have missed a crucial part of creating a component: documentation. Without documentation our component will be difficult for users to include in projects and future development may be hindered. In part eight we’ll document our component in a way that is familiar to users and maintainers of other Origami components. Continue to part eight.